Dr. Vanessa Weaver has led the charge, influencing organizations to focus on diversity as a business enabler. Under her leadership, DITV’s initiatives reduced attrition among Multicultural professionals by as much as 50 percent. Dr. Weaver leverages media to advance D&I conversations and is a regular columnist for Diversity Best Practices’ online newsletter.

5 Reasons You Can’t Afford to Overlook the Power of Diversity

First, the good news. Diversity in the workplace is increasing, which gives organizations greater access to talent. It also generates a more inclusive corporate culture that mirrors the society in which we live. The not-so-good news? Diverse workplaces are not always easy to achieve, for many reasons. Some geographical areas are more conducive to diversity recruitment than others, and a commitment to diversity can often be overlooked the higher up the corporate ladder you go.

Is There a Downside to Inclusion?

The unpredictable and sometimes outrageous United States presidential race has placed the power of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) front and center in the American consciousness. Democratic and Republican candidates alike have bragged about their ability to attract millions of new constituents by casting their diversity nets wider, capturing previously disaffected and tuned-out voters. As a…